An employer brand defines your reputation as an employer. It’s your identity that showcases your company culture, values and perception of what it’s like to work for your business.

The value to your business of a good employer brand is huge, it helps you stand out in a competitive job market and helps to nurture a loyal and motivated workforce; which in turn increases productivity and overall business performance.

A strong employer brand enhances your business’ ability to attract great candidates with 75% of job seekers using company reputation to inform job applications

(Zipdo, 2023).

What does an Employer Brand include?

Employer branding encompasses any interaction a potential candidate or current employee has with your organisation and covers elements such as:

  • Company Culture
  • Internal Communications
  • Employer Value Proposition
  • Career sites
  • Social Media
  • Job Review Sites
  • Onboarding Process
  • Training and development

By managing these elements effectively, you create a comprehensive, appealing employer brand that attracts and retains top talent. Each small interaction helps to cumulatively shape the overall feel of your brand and gives candidates and employees a genuine sense of what it means to work with you.

This is more important than ever as competition ramps up; according to the CIPD Resourcing and Planning Report 2022, 75% of respondents have reported taking action to improve their employer brand within the last year, with this figure rising to 84% for larger organisations.

Employer branding requires a collaborative effort between HR and marketing departments, as both play crucial roles in shaping and communicating the brand. HR focuses on creating a positive employee experience and developing policies that reflect the company’s values, while marketing ensures that these values are effectively communicated to external audiences. Additionally, leadership teams and internal communications departments also contribute by reinforcing the brand’s message and nurturing a culture that supports the employer brand. This integrated approach ensures consistency and authenticity in how the employer brand is presented and perceived​.


The value of a strong employer brand

Attracts Top Talent – A strong employer brand makes your organisation stand out to job seekers. By promoting the culture and benefits of working for your business, candidates get a clear idea of what you stand for and whether your values align.

Reduces Recruitment Costs – Recruitment can be expensive and a good employer brand can reduce these costs by attracting candidates organically without the need for extensive advertising or recruitment agencies.

Increases Employee Retention and Engagement – Retaining your existing top-performing employees not only reduces recruitment and training costs but also helps to build and maintain a stable and experienced workforce. In fact 86% of workers would not continue to work for (or even apply in the first place) a company with a bad reputation regarding former employees or the general public. (Randstad, 2023). Employer branding, when done well, nurtures a sense of belonging and can contribute to greater productivity and innovation.

Improves Employee Health – A positive and inclusive work culture, when upheld, reduces stress and burnout and enhances employee wellbeing.

Encourages Positive Reviews86% of employees and job seekers research company reviews and ratings to decide on where to apply for a job (Glassdoor), so encouraging employees to leave positive reviews on recruitment platforms should be a key part of your employer branding strategy.


To sum it up

A strong employer brand is key to attracting and retaining top talent, reducing costs, and enhancing overall business performance. Also according to research, Gen Z candidates are particularly influenced by a company’s reputation and actively seek information about potential employers through social media and online reviews​.

We really enjoy working with companies to help define and activate their Employer Brand – if this is something you are interested in, we’d love to hear from you.

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