Our five element metrics deliver a robust, holistic insight into the effectiveness of your communications, right across your business.

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The Five Elements

We start by assessing the overall health of your business communications across these five elements, identifying where you are strong, and where you can improve. We then work with you to create and deliver a plan, along with supporting assets and projects to help you build successful communications in those areas.

This element is about the clarity of what your business is trying to achieve and why. Research shows that businesses with a clearly defined direction are more profitable and have clearer differentiation in the market than those without one.

Clearly communicating your vision and what you stand for with your workforce has significant economic and social benefits, improving attraction, engagement, and retention rates.

This element is all about how effectively your company connects with their internal team and external audience. Your ability to connect with your customers by understanding the problem you are solving for them and how to talk to them – ultimately, building trusted relationships with them – has a direct impact on your customer satisfaction and sales.

Connecting with your internal teams effectively has an equally significant role in employee experience. Connected employees are loyal and powerful advocates of your brand.

The Take Notice element is all about understanding the landscape you’re operating in and staying ahead of your competitors. Knowledge is always power, and this is about building knowledge in your sector to allow you to be more innovative and responsive to market and consumer behaviour: being able to anticipate trends and understanding the right time to adapt, stay ahead and drive change.

This element is about your company’s ability to continuously learn from your people – your customers and your team – in order to make improvements to the way you’re operating. That means using insight from your customers to make positive changes to your products, service or customer journey. It’s also about listening: seeking and taking on board feedback from your customers and your teams and building a culture of continuous improvement.

This element is about proactively seeking out new opportunities and converting these opportunities into sales. It’s about effectively communicating how you can help potential customers, developing and growing the business. But this element is also about setting objectives and goals; measuring impact and ROI across projects – understanding the value you add.

Quantifiable results.

Chat to us about your project or get started with an assessment of your businesses five elements.
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