Revitalising ROAR, a rebranding transformation

Through a comprehensive rebranding effort, that included a fresh aesthetic, language to convey the unique benefits of the product and an improved online customer experience, we helped ROAR successfully reposition itself in the market.

The Challenge

As ROAR Porridge aimed to reposition itself as a versatile 100% natural, nutritious wholefood performance and recovery mix, and an alternative to synthetic ‘fuel,’ the challenge lay in redesigning its branding to reflect this shift in focus. The existing branding lacked the clarity needed to convey the message of performance enhancement and recovery aid effectively.

The Solution

To address this challenge, we undertook a comprehensive rebranding effort with ROAR. The new branding adopted a cleaner, fresher aesthetic with a strong emphasis on action and movement. We redesigned the website to streamline their user experience, making it easier for customers to navigate and explore ROAR’s offerings.

ROAR wanted to stay true to its core values of Easy and Real, but as part of the consultation we recommended incorporating the descriptor ‘Performance’ into its ROAR Performance Porridge Mix product line to highlight its nutritional potency.

This addition was informed by unanimous customer feedback that we carried out with ROAR, affirming ROAR’s status as a seed-powered food that delivers exceptional nutritional benefits that aid both performance, namely endurance, and a speedier recovery.

The Results

The rebranding initiative successfully positioned ROAR as a unique and compelling brand in the market. The cleaner, more dynamic branding resonated with customers, driving increased engagement and sales. The simplified website navigation improved the user experience, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Overall, the rebranding effort reinforced ROAR’s commitment to providing nutritious, plant-based fuel that empowers individuals to achieve their performance goals while supporting their overall wellbeing and being kinder to the planet.